Friday, June 8, 2012

I believe in angels

I believe in three kinds of angels.  There are the messenger angels like Gabriel and Moroni that appear to select people.  Joseph and Mary, Joseph Smith, even Alma and Saul received visits from celestial beings who show unequivocally that God loves us.

The second kind of angels are the ones we don't see.  They are our guardian angels.  They are around and among us, unseen and unappreciated.  The Doctrine and Covenants confirms it, and Elija's servant was given a glimpse.  God sends them to us when we need them for support, for aid, for help and for protection. I'm certain that they carry me--more than I want to admit.

But the angels I've been thinking of lately are the kind that live in my neighborhood.  The angels who leave gifts on the doorstep or in the mail.  The angels who help watch our children and help take care of our home.  even though they are just regular people, I believe that they are angels in the truest sense of the word.  As they serve, they put off the natural man. What is left is a celestial beings doing the work of God.  They also support, aid, help and protect.  They are, at least to me, the personification of God's love.

I don't know what we would do without them, and I am grateful for them.