Written on mobile phone:
Abinadi's message to the people was compiled to about 12 or 13 verses. The people who heard the message cited 4 verses worth to Noah. It was the most controversial, the most outrageous, and entirely out of context.
Isn't that exactly what "we" have done with Barack Obama's Pastor? What was done with Wikileaks, with the FLDS church?
If nothing else, we live in a time when our society is intolerant enough that Abinadi could come, and we would run to Uncle Sam, or to the general public, to tell all the bad things that Abinadi said.
Abinadi could be accused of being unamerican, or even terroistic. He even could conceivably be condemned for it.
Abinadi's message to the people was compiled to about 12 or 13 verses. The people who heard the message cited 4 verses worth to Noah. It was the most controversial, the most outrageous, and entirely out of context.
Isn't that exactly what "we" have done with Barack Obama's Pastor? What was done with Wikileaks, with the FLDS church?
If nothing else, we live in a time when our society is intolerant enough that Abinadi could come, and we would run to Uncle Sam, or to the general public, to tell all the bad things that Abinadi said.
Abinadi could be accused of being unamerican, or even terroistic. He even could conceivably be condemned for it.
I don't know about this Mark. I think the hard things about it is that I don't feel like I can trust the things I hear from the media. They often distort things or twist or are selective on what they include causing a certain assumtion. If Obama's paster really is anti-american, wouldn't that be the same as us hearing abinadi and recognizing the truth that his 'pastor' is indeed no one that we want a leader of ours following?
I think that is the problem. Our media, our society, I don't think can be trusted any more than in king Noah's day. Even if the pastor had said some unamerican things, that is not his focus--he is not an ordained anarchist, he is a pastor. Most of what he preaches must be about faith, hope, developing a relationship with God, and accountability.
In abinadi's day, a few (read: Alma) had the right perspective and obeyed the message. (I hope you and I do the same), however the general public just took the inflamatory parts out of context to the discredit of the rest.
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